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American Idol 7: The Top 12 Men Perform

Danny NoriegaAmerican Idol predictably opened Tuesday night with a plug for , and more self-congratulatory talk about how this is the best season ever - with the most talent. Judge Randy Jackson quickly seconded this opinion, throwing out a bunch of jumbled slang as he gave this review. Host Ryan Seacrest became contentious with Simon Cowell right away, proving that all the same old clichés will still apply to the show. Thusly, another season of Idol - featuring the most talented performers ever on the show (Seriously, y’all think that?) - began.

Poor David Hernandez got the undesirable starting position, appearing on stage bug-eyed and tongue-tied. His version of “Midnight Hour” was so forgettable for me, the only reason I remember the impression is because I took notes. said David looked nervous, but all in all the performance was “better than I thought it was going to be.” I’ll second that. I feel like this poor guy is just on the show to get voted off - soon.

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American Idol 7: Twenty Four Will Sing, One Will Win

American Idol's Top 24

Like many fans, I’ve unblinkingly watched every single second of Season Seven’s broadcast. I’ve coached, I’ve judged, I’ve criticized, and now I’ve been completely blindsided by the show. Anyone else feel that way?

Why bother watching hours and hours - and hours - of audition footage if only a handful of the top 24 are featured? What’s with the confusion of , as I scramble to remember faces and names and scream “What ! How did he make it to the top 24? Why haven’t I ever seen him before at all?”

It’s no secret the judges and producers of Idol have their special favorites. On the flip side, they have contestants they can’t stand (remember ’s unabashed loathing of Sanjaya Malakar last year?). The massive amounts of air time devoted to some and the quick two-second glimpses of others aren’t an accident: it’s a not-so-subtle plot to influence votes, to get rid of the “extras” and keep only the ones producers want.

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American Idol 7: A Bittersweet Beginning

American Idol final 24

Way before ’s seventh season started, fans were treated to a PR blitz that capitalized on how different the show would be this time around. They believed; they watched; they weren’t disappointed. Season Seven certainly does have a different feeling and tone at times than previous episodes, and Wednesday’s final decision night struck a few sad notes.

One by one the fifty contestants were carried toward the judges who so menacingly waited. One by one they were told to take that long, disappointing ride back down without happy news to report. Enter Carly Smithson, devastating diva from Ireland who missed her Idol chance in season 5. She was the first female to win a Final 12 slot, and I breathed a sigh of relief. This talented lady has definitely earned her place. I was also pleased to see husky-voiced Amanda Overmyer and 16-year-old sensation David Archuleta join the final group. Poor blonde Brook White cried her whole way up in the elevator and grinned with relief the entire way down.

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Associated Press

American Idol 7: Changing Up Hollywood Week

American Idol's Final 24 - Masked

As of Tuesday night, the broadcast of ’s Hollywood Week began. After weeks and weeks of watching auditions, fans finally got the chance to catch up with some of their early favorites during this intense round of multiple eliminations.

One hundred and sixty-four singers piled into the theater rents out for the show, with a relative few of them impressing the judges in their very first round. Taking the stage one by one, each contestant sang for the judges’ general pleasure (or displeasure, as the case may be). Those who won approval from all three got to sail through the first elimination round, earning a respite before facing the judges again on the third day. It was during this first round the much-touted musical instruments appeared, though precious few seemed to find success with these devices.

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‘American Idol’ Auditions at Walt Disney World

Posted by Jacci Lewis Categories: Prime Time, Reality, ABC, FOX, American Idol,

American Idol

The $71 it takes to get into one Walt Disney World theme park for a day could soon buy you a shot at pop superstardom.

Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts in Orlando, Florida is about to launch its own version of the FOX TV hit .

Here’s how it will work: visitors to Walt Disney World’s Hollywood Studios park (formerly Disney-MGM Studios) will be able to audition at various locations throughout that particular park each day. Those who make it through that initial step will get some vocal coaching and hair and makeup help. Next they’ll perform in front of a real, live audience in Disney’s American Idol soundstage. If they pass muster with the judges and audience, they’ll move onto a preliminary round then to the final round each evening.

Daily winners will get a guaranteed slot in regional auditions for the real American Idol TV show.

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Orlando Sentinel

American Idol 7: Atlanta Auditions

Brooke Helvie, American Idol Atlanta auditionsThe machine stopped in Atlanta, the very last city on the tour, perhaps in hopes of finding another , Clay Aiken or . Instead, they found singers like Alexandrea Lushington, Amanda Overmyer and Brooke Helvie - and I have a strong feeling we’re going to see much more of at least one of these girls.

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TV Squad

New Style for ‘American Idol’

American IdolWeeks before of started, judges and producers came forward to talk about the show’s new direction. Lackluster record sales and a bit of sag in the last year meant a change had to happen. Instruments will be added this season (at some point), and this year there’s much more focus on the singers instead of celebrity guests. More back story, more tears, more focus on the contestants. So…how’s it working out for Idol this year?

The reality show is consistently winning at the ratings game, though some of this is no doubt due to instead of entertainment value. But there is a subtle difference this year in the Idol auditions. Sans celebrity judges, the camera does seem to be finding contestants instead of stars. Early promises before the season started said viewers would see more talent than ever before…perhaps even the best Idol season ever. This week’s auditions ended in Miami (with Atlanta to begin next week). Have viewers already seen the next American Idol?

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LA Times

Listen to Paula Abdul’s New Single

Paula Abdul took some time out this morning to make an appearance on pal radio show.  The special event, which was most likely a precursor to her rumored Super Bowl appearance, was an opportunity for the former pop star to reveal her new single produced by co-worker .

NOTE:  Always debut your new projects amongst friends.  At least you can guarantee someone will smile and tell you they love you.

The song, titled “Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow” will appear on Jackson’s upcoming compilation album: Randy Jackson’s Music Club, Vol. 1.  Click here to listen to the song for yourself.  If you were - would you let her compete in Hollywood round?  Or would you kindly tell her to stick with dancing and crying?

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Number One ‘American Idol’ Stands Alone

American Idol auditions - PhiladelphiaSolidifying its reputation as the number one show in the U.S., ’s premiered last night to a staggering 33.24 million viewers. How did the other networks fare in the face of such stiff competition? Well, if you take all the viewers on all the other networks and add them together, you might get close to the numbers pulled down with just one episode of their hit. And it’s not over yet - Idol will return twice a week for the next few months.

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TV Guide

American Idol: Simon Cowell on Season Seven

Simon CowellThe audition portion of - arguably the best part of the whole bloody show - will begin airing next week, and judge (my personal favorite) will no doubt light into singers with his usual acerbic tongue.  But Cowell says even his criticisms are meant to be constructive.

Speaking from London (don’t worry - he’ll be Stateside in time for Idol’s seventh season), Simon explained it all in an interview: after listening to bad singers for seven years, it can all get rather trying - and sometimes, words probably do come out a little harsh. Really? Tell me more.  I can’t wait to listen to the Dreamcrusher at work.

The host said this year’s crop of talent is strong, young and more interesting. Than who - ? That’ll be hard to beat. Cowell called the cast “fresh” and “memorable,” but admittedly they don’t have a tough act to follow.

The judge went on to say that he might be finished with Idol when his current contract expires in two more years.  Good - maybe then he’ll do his own show.  That’s something I’ve been waiting on for years.

(You can find all the American Idol 7 posts here.)

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LA Times
